Morasha Runs B'Simcha is about empowering campers and staff to make a difference. Our 'Team Captains' and 'Production Committee' will work together to plan, promote, and execute this wonderful initiative. If you're not on this list and would like to get involved, please e-mail us at [email protected]!
Nitzi Boys
Jonah Orlinsky
Adrian Rosenfeld
Nitzi Girls
Molly Fuchs
Sherry Garber
Natalie Wisotsky
Y. Shtili Boys
Jacob Feit
Jared Kinches
Stephen Olshin
Y. Shtili Girls
Allison Bender
Maya Gribetz
Mia Mandel
Naomi Sigman
O. Shtili Boys
Benjamin Epstein
Daniel Guttman
Ari Leifer
Yoni Tocker
O. Shtili Girls
Lily Blaine
Arianna Chesner
Michelle Kirschner
Kayla Muchnick
Ilanot Boys
David Gellis
Sam Hilbert
Daniel Kopolovitz
Ashi Norman
Tzvi Yudin
Ilanot Girls
Sarin Cohen
Lizzie Friedman
Perry Hoffman
Daniella Rothschild
Manhigim Boys
Yoni Drazin
Ilan Frenkel
Manhigot Girls
Talia Adler
Kira Erber
Lizzie Olshin
Ashley VanAmerongen
Alufim Boys
Aiden Englander
Matthew Ganchrow
Sammy Volodarsky
Alufot Girls
Tova Ben Ami
Sarah Feder
Lilly Fuchs
Gabi Goldsmith
Zev Diamond
Talia Forman
Tamara Schlanger
Nicole Aranoff
Lauren Aduculesi
Jesse Arbisfeld
Leora Fadlun
Jordana Lichter
Shoshana Mehlman
Aliza Pollock
Michael Reinhart
Spencer Tropper
ZB Weiss
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