In honor of the Great Rabbi Gewirtz!!
The great Rabbi Gewirtz Shlita
In honor of R' Daniel Shlit"a
In honor of Reb Daniel and Family - Much continued Hatzlacha in your Harbotzas Hakodesh
In honor of Reb Daniel and Family- Much continued Hatzlacha in your Harbotzas Hakodesh
In honor of R’ Daniel and his wonderful family!
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gewirtz and all their efforts in bringingTorah to Phoenix!
Go, Rabbi Daniel GEWIRTZ, Go!
L'Refuah Shelema Benzion Moshe ben Shoshana Vita
I am so excited to be participating in the Yeshiva High School of Arizona Bike-a-thon. This years ride will raise funds for the YHSA Building Fund. The Yeshiva, BH, has seen tremendous growth and we have plans to expand our campus including a new Dining Room, more and larger classrooms and a dormitory. Your sponsorship will help pave the way for the continued growth of our community and Yeshiva.
Please help by sponsoring me.
Your support helps to raise funds for the YHSA Building Fund.Your sponsorship will help pave the way for the continued growth of our community and Yeshiva.
I am so excited to be participating in the Yeshiva High School of Arizona Bike-a-thon. This years ride will raise funds for the YHSA Building Fund. The Yeshiva, BH, has seen tremendous growth and we have plans to expand our campus including a new Dining Room, more and larger classrooms and a dormitory. Your sponsorship will help pave the way for the continued growth of our community and Yeshiva.
Please help by sponsoring me.
Your support helps to raise funds for the YHSA Building Fund.Your sponsorship will help pave the way for the continued growth of our community and Yeshiva.
In honor of the Great Rabbi Gewirtz!!
The great Rabbi Gewirtz Shlita
In honor of R' Daniel Shlit"a
In honor of Reb Daniel and Family - Much continued Hatzlacha in your Harbotzas Hakodesh
In honor of Reb Daniel and Family- Much continued Hatzlacha in your Harbotzas Hakodesh
In honor of R’ Daniel and his wonderful family!
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gewirtz and all their efforts in bringingTorah to Phoenix!
Go, Rabbi Daniel GEWIRTZ, Go!
L'Refuah Shelema Benzion Moshe ben Shoshana Vita