We are thrilled that The Robert I.Schattner Foundation has offered BCGW a $70k matching grant to go towards operations of the kitchen we are building at the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House !
Matching Gift Campaign
The Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House offers free accommodations to patients and their loved ones who live in or are receiving treatment in the Greater Washington DC area. Located in Bethesda, MD since 2016, it sits directly across the street from The National Institutes of Health. This beautiful guest home has made a world of difference in the lives of hundreds of people — providing a warm, nurturing environment while they or their family members undergo treatment.

This unique house will now have an even greater impact on our community. 
In September, 2021, the Montgomery County Council voted unanimously to allow BCGW to build a Kosher Community Kitchen on the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House Campus. In this kitchen, BCGW staff and volunteers will prepare nutritious, diet-specific, free kosher meals for patients all over the Greater Washington area. We have already raised the necessary funds to build the kitchen, with construction scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022.
Now, thanks to a generous matching gift challenge from the Robert I. Schattner Foundation, we have the opportunity to raise funds to cover initial operational costs for this kitchen: Every donation made through December 31, will be matched — dollar for dollar — up to $70,000! 

We need your help now. You can help BCGW expand its benefits to patients across our community.  Reaching our goal is of the utmost importance — and we cannot do it without YOU!
View the video above to see the many ways BCGW has been working in our community for the past two decades and our plans for the future. 
Please  make your generous donation, which will be matched, dollar for dollar, until December 31!
100% Raised of $140,000 Goal
Rachel and Jeffrey Hamberger
David Lerner
Michael Serlin
Wayne Wagner
In memory of my parents, Yvonne and Peter Wagner
Howard Kern
Friends of the Polsky Family
In Memory of Mark Polsky
Harry Lipkind
Memory of Meir Y. Burstyn; Send acknowledgment to: Ilene Burstyn, 215 Creek Valley Lane, Rockville, MD 20850
Mark Polsky
Janel & Adam Herman
In memory of our parent and grand parents
Rebecca Prigal
Suzanne Wachsstock
Tamara Goodman
Lucas & Malya Druskin
Deena & Dan Messinger
In Memory of Mark Polsky z"l
Allison and Louis Lazar
Adam & Iris Bashein
Thank you the Bikur Cholim staff, board members and volunteers for your efforts.
Howard Feldman
Refuah shlaimah for Yehudis Miriam bas Leah.
in memory of Miriam Guttman
Trudy Jacobson
Jeremy Jacobson and the assistance he provides to Bikur Cholim at Shady Grove Hospital
Beatriz Yanovich
In honor of my mother's memory Malka Chair bat Hirsch (Tzvi)
Rabbi Yehoshua & Serena Singer
רפואה שלימה חיים אידן שלום בן אלטא בריינא
Gloria Feldman
In memory of Wolf Katz
Amy Spitalny
Shlomo and Sharona Katz
In memory of Liba Devorah bas Miriam
Estee & Elliott Portnoy
Adina and Daniel Moses
Ronald Sterling
will send email
Elissa Weisblatt
Refuah Shlama for Teresa Berman
Elissa Weisblatt
In Memory of Elise Schloss' Mother, Rita Bayuk z"l
Jim Rosenberg
Memory of my father Kenneth Rosenberg
Tzira Lamm
the volunteers of the Bikur Cholim who have made our stays at the NIH so much better
Deedee Rosenfeld
Daniel Kerchner
In honor of dedicated Bikur Cholim volunteers Drs. Marcia and Robert Kerchner
In honor of Elizabeth Garon
Berman Upper School Students
To Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington from the Berman Upper School.
Thank you for all your amazing work in the community!
Julie Brookler
Sarah Rifka bas Tzvi Hirsh v' Freida, my Nana
Julia and Scott Weinberg
Adina and Danny Gewirtz
Susan O'Toole
Sara S Elikan
In honor of Audrey Siegel and Rabbi Gayer who truly and genuinely care about every person who volunteers for them and who is in their care. Kol Hakavod!!!
Sara Elikan
In memory of my parents, Yona and Yaffa Munk A"H, who were tzadikim gemurim just like the people who run Bikur Cholim.
Miriam Friedman
Will send info to BCGW.
Sara Elikan
In honor of Hope Taragin who visited my mother A"H every week for years! Thank you!!
Jeff and Judy Graber
In honor of Dr. Leo Rozmaryn
Jackie & Arnold
In hopes that you never need it, but so glad it’s there if you should.
Moishie and Esti Mittelman
Chaya Bistritz
Refuah shelaima for Baruch Mordechai bn Nechama
Elissa Weisblatt
In honor of Audrey, Rabbi Elie, Leah and all the Volunteers
Marc Hershkowitz
In memory of Maeir Y. Burstyn, z"l
Stuart and Judy Rosenthal
In Honor of all the volunteers
Deborah Rogal
In honor of Audrey Siegel and all the volunteers who make Bikur Cholim such a valuable asset to our community.
Sharon & David Butler
Avi & Sarah Chaya Schwartz
In appreciation of Bikur Cholim!
Karen Kramer Schulman
In memory of Sherrie Schulman and David Kramer
Linda Rishe
Ari and Suzy Israel
Ted and Rivka Rosenbaum
Aliza Eisenberg
In honor of Rachel, Dovid, Mendy, Chaim and Leah Shteierman of Waterbury Ct.
David and Mandi Lowenstein
Ken Sragg
Ken & Sarah Sragg / In appreciation of Bikur Cholim
Amy & David Stampfer
In memory of Sidney Glashofer.
Shimon & Chana Wiggins
In honor of the good work of Bikur Cholim
Judah Lifschitz
Cheryl Gabai
For a Refuah Shlaimah for Binyamin Ze'ev ben Malka Zlata
Sara Silver
In memory of Gerald Israel (Yaacov Pasha ben Eliezer Behor, z"l)
Glenn & Marie Taubman
In memory of Cyril Liba Deitsch
Nancy and Pesach Mehlman
In honor of the marriage of Yocheved and Shlomo Mehlman and for the refuah of everyone served by BCGW.
Faith Ginsburg
Rachel Pinker
Elliot Dine
Lynn & Aron Trombka
Dan and Julie Vogel
In Memory of Dr. Eva J. Vogel
In memory of Rita Kupetzky
Marc Herber
Beth and Jack Lichy
in memory of David Lichy, z"l
Chava and Howard Kern
In honor of Rachaeli Schwartz (can you send notification?)
And in memory of Leslie Friedlander.
Shmuel and Mindy Tolchinsky
For a refuah shleimah for all Cholei Am Yisrael.
Jeremy and Nomi Schnittman
Melinda and Eric Rozenman
In honor of volunteers!
Mark and Judy Teitelbaum
Lucy & Mark Lapidus
In memory of Cyril Liba Deitsch
Judy Morris
In memory of Cantor and Mrs. Akiva Ostrovsky
Sidney Diamond
In Memory of Paul and Sonia Diamond and Abe Diamond
Jeffrey and Judith Graber
In honor of Fran and Alan Broder
Chaya Kranz
In honor of Miriam Tzivya Bat Shifra Shprintza
Ellen Marks
Susan Daum
Susan And Robert Daum
Mr and Mrs Martin Fingerhut
David and Jill Loshin
Shira Siegel
Brenda Pieprz
In honor of Audrey Siegel and all the Bikur Cholim volunteers
Chaim ben Yehuda Leib
Jeffrey and Judith Graber
In honor of Audrey Siegel
Isaac & Leah Yifrah
In memory of Rachel Weiser, Zigmund Weiser, Dina and Nissim Yifrah, Marsha Riddle
Benjamin, Sarah and Zachary Osborne
In honor of Audrey Siegel who does an amazing job running Bikur Cholim. Thank you so much for all that you do for our community. Benjamin, Sarah and Zachary Osborne
Hirsh and Chayie Chinn
In honor of all the Bikur Cholim volunteers
Marcia and Robert Kerchner
l'ilui nishmas Shmuel Simcha ben Yitzchak Levi whose yahrtzeit is this Shabbos.
Naomi & Ori Carmel
Judi Roth
in honor of Rabbi Yosef and Miriam Singer
Lani & Josh Heching
Gail Eisenberg
In memory of Harry Eisenberg ZL and in honor of Bikur Cholim and all the wonderful ways they helped me and Harry ZL
Eve Farber
Eve Farren Farber
Leslie Silber
Memory of Frances Feldmen
Jorden Brinn
Kreisler Family
Ariel Segal
Nicole and Marc Murinson
In honor of our son Zach's birth
Ethel Goldwasser
In Memory of Dr. Judah Goldwasser &
May the power of Zot Chanukah bring a
speedy Refuah Shlaima to Naftali Hertz ben Sina Raizel, Binyamin Chaim ben Zelda, & all of the Cholim in our Community & beyond.
Andrea Lee-Zucker
Rose Goldberg
Jack Calman
Sharona Rozmaryn
Garfield Family
In honor of Audrey for all that she does!
for refuah, nechama, and bracha for klal Yisrael
Sholom Simon and Shana Wallace
In memory of Louise and Mark Simon
Eddie Snyder and Ann Wimpfheimer
In honor of those friends we serve and the volunteers who serve them
Miriam and Allen Schick
In honor of Audrey & Neil Siegel- role models in chesed and ahavas
Jane and Lous Shotkin
Jacob Halpern
Saadia Greenberg
In appreciation of the opportunity for Lily to participate in the Chanukah Boutique
Yaffa Klatzkow
Refuah shelaima for Yaccov Ben Chaya Miriam
Melanie and Steven Fleisher
In honor of the cholim in our community and in our family
Marcia Meth
In memory of Sheldon Meth
Samuels Family
In memory of the 9th ano of Albert S.
Harold Hershey
Naomi Ronis
Laurence S. Herman
Menachem and Nava Ely
Sahra Ginsburg
Audrey Siegel
Jodi Mailman
In memory of Fred Mailman
Shmuel and Mindy Tolchinsky
Janet Rottenberg
Jennifer Tabin
Jennifer and Yitzhak Cohen
Jan & Don Moses
Raphael Ginsburg
Estaire Yb Schachter
In memory of Marilyn Z Burstyn , mother
In memory of Maeir Y Burstyn, brother
Ali and Seth Jacobson
Refuah shelama to anyone in need
Firooz Askarinam
Heidi and Steve Lamar
The Snyders
Refuah Sheleimah to Golda bas Rifka and all the cholim of klal yisrael
Lisa Mellman
In Honor of Rhonda and Jay Lehman
Zahava, Gal and Lev Butler
In honor of our righteous Savta, Sharon Butler.
Donna and Jeff Lawrence
Deborah & Pinchus Laufer
Refuah Shelaimah of Elimelech Ben Rivkah Debrush betoch kol cholei Yisrael
Yudi and Simcha Hercenberg
Max and Debi Rudmann
Gary and Shana Winters
Audrey and Neil Siegel
In honor of a refuah shleimah for all the cholim in our community.
100% Raised of $140,000 Goal
The Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House offers free accommodations to patients and their loved ones who live in or are receiving treatment in the Greater Washington DC area. Located in Bethesda, MD since 2016, it sits directly across the street from The National Institutes of Health. This beautiful guest home has made a world of difference in the lives of hundreds of people — providing a warm, nurturing environment while they or their family members undergo treatment.

This unique house will now have an even greater impact on our community. 
In September, 2021, the Montgomery County Council voted unanimously to allow BCGW to build a Kosher Community Kitchen on the Bernard Creeger Bikur Cholim House Campus. In this kitchen, BCGW staff and volunteers will prepare nutritious, diet-specific, free kosher meals for patients all over the Greater Washington area. We have already raised the necessary funds to build the kitchen, with construction scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022.
Now, thanks to a generous matching gift challenge from the Robert I. Schattner Foundation, we have the opportunity to raise funds to cover initial operational costs for this kitchen: Every donation made through December 31, will be matched — dollar for dollar — up to $70,000! 

We need your help now. You can help BCGW expand its benefits to patients across our community.  Reaching our goal is of the utmost importance — and we cannot do it without YOU!
View the video above to see the many ways BCGW has been working in our community for the past two decades and our plans for the future. 
Please  make your generous donation, which will be matched, dollar for dollar, until December 31!
Rachel and Jeffrey Hamberger
David Lerner
Michael Serlin
Wayne Wagner
In memory of my parents, Yvonne and Peter Wagner
Howard Kern
Friends of the Polsky Family
In Memory of Mark Polsky
Harry Lipkind
Memory of Meir Y. Burstyn; Send acknowledgment to: Ilene Burstyn, 215 Creek Valley Lane, Rockville, MD 20850
Mark Polsky
Janel & Adam Herman
In memory of our parent and grand parents
Rebecca Prigal
Suzanne Wachsstock
Tamara Goodman
Lucas & Malya Druskin
Deena & Dan Messinger
In Memory of Mark Polsky z"l
Allison and Louis Lazar
Adam & Iris Bashein
Thank you the Bikur Cholim staff, board members and volunteers for your efforts.
Howard Feldman
Refuah shlaimah for Yehudis Miriam bas Leah.
in memory of Miriam Guttman
Trudy Jacobson
Jeremy Jacobson and the assistance he provides to Bikur Cholim at Shady Grove Hospital
Beatriz Yanovich
In honor of my mother's memory Malka Chair bat Hirsch (Tzvi)
Rabbi Yehoshua & Serena Singer
רפואה שלימה חיים אידן שלום בן אלטא בריינא
Gloria Feldman
In memory of Wolf Katz
Amy Spitalny
Shlomo and Sharona Katz
In memory of Liba Devorah bas Miriam
Estee & Elliott Portnoy
Adina and Daniel Moses
Ronald Sterling
will send email
Elissa Weisblatt
Refuah Shlama for Teresa Berman
Elissa Weisblatt
In Memory of Elise Schloss' Mother, Rita Bayuk z"l
Jim Rosenberg
Memory of my father Kenneth Rosenberg
Tzira Lamm
the volunteers of the Bikur Cholim who have made our stays at the NIH so much better
Deedee Rosenfeld
Daniel Kerchner
In honor of dedicated Bikur Cholim volunteers Drs. Marcia and Robert Kerchner
In honor of Elizabeth Garon
Berman Upper School Students
To Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington from the Berman Upper School.
Thank you for all your amazing work in the community!
Julie Brookler
Sarah Rifka bas Tzvi Hirsh v' Freida, my Nana
Julia and Scott Weinberg
Adina and Danny Gewirtz
Susan O'Toole
Sara S Elikan
In honor of Audrey Siegel and Rabbi Gayer who truly and genuinely care about every person who volunteers for them and who is in their care. Kol Hakavod!!!
Sara Elikan
In memory of my parents, Yona and Yaffa Munk A"H, who were tzadikim gemurim just like the people who run Bikur Cholim.
Miriam Friedman
Will send info to BCGW.
Sara Elikan
In honor of Hope Taragin who visited my mother A"H every week for years! Thank you!!
Jeff and Judy Graber
In honor of Dr. Leo Rozmaryn
Jackie & Arnold
In hopes that you never need it, but so glad it’s there if you should.
Moishie and Esti Mittelman
Chaya Bistritz
Refuah shelaima for Baruch Mordechai bn Nechama
Elissa Weisblatt
In honor of Audrey, Rabbi Elie, Leah and all the Volunteers
Marc Hershkowitz
In memory of Maeir Y. Burstyn, z"l
Stuart and Judy Rosenthal
In Honor of all the volunteers
Deborah Rogal
In honor of Audrey Siegel and all the volunteers who make Bikur Cholim such a valuable asset to our community.
Sharon & David Butler
Avi & Sarah Chaya Schwartz
In appreciation of Bikur Cholim!
Karen Kramer Schulman
In memory of Sherrie Schulman and David Kramer
Linda Rishe
Ari and Suzy Israel
Ted and Rivka Rosenbaum
Aliza Eisenberg
In honor of Rachel, Dovid, Mendy, Chaim and Leah Shteierman of Waterbury Ct.
David and Mandi Lowenstein
Ken Sragg
Ken & Sarah Sragg / In appreciation of Bikur Cholim
Amy & David Stampfer
In memory of Sidney Glashofer.
Shimon & Chana Wiggins
In honor of the good work of Bikur Cholim
Judah Lifschitz
Cheryl Gabai
For a Refuah Shlaimah for Binyamin Ze'ev ben Malka Zlata
Sara Silver
In memory of Gerald Israel (Yaacov Pasha ben Eliezer Behor, z"l)
Glenn & Marie Taubman
In memory of Cyril Liba Deitsch
Nancy and Pesach Mehlman
In honor of the marriage of Yocheved and Shlomo Mehlman and for the refuah of everyone served by BCGW.
Faith Ginsburg
Rachel Pinker
Elliot Dine
Lynn & Aron Trombka
Dan and Julie Vogel
In Memory of Dr. Eva J. Vogel
In memory of Rita Kupetzky
Marc Herber
Beth and Jack Lichy
in memory of David Lichy, z"l
Chava and Howard Kern
In honor of Rachaeli Schwartz (can you send notification?)
And in memory of Leslie Friedlander.
Shmuel and Mindy Tolchinsky
For a refuah shleimah for all Cholei Am Yisrael.
Jeremy and Nomi Schnittman
Melinda and Eric Rozenman
In honor of volunteers!
Mark and Judy Teitelbaum
Lucy & Mark Lapidus
In memory of Cyril Liba Deitsch
Judy Morris
In memory of Cantor and Mrs. Akiva Ostrovsky
Sidney Diamond
In Memory of Paul and Sonia Diamond and Abe Diamond
Jeffrey and Judith Graber
In honor of Fran and Alan Broder
Chaya Kranz
In honor of Miriam Tzivya Bat Shifra Shprintza
Ellen Marks
Susan Daum
Susan And Robert Daum
Mr and Mrs Martin Fingerhut
David and Jill Loshin
Shira Siegel
Brenda Pieprz
In honor of Audrey Siegel and all the Bikur Cholim volunteers
Chaim ben Yehuda Leib
Jeffrey and Judith Graber
In honor of Audrey Siegel
Isaac & Leah Yifrah
In memory of Rachel Weiser, Zigmund Weiser, Dina and Nissim Yifrah, Marsha Riddle
Benjamin, Sarah and Zachary Osborne
In honor of Audrey Siegel who does an amazing job running Bikur Cholim. Thank you so much for all that you do for our community. Benjamin, Sarah and Zachary Osborne
Hirsh and Chayie Chinn
In honor of all the Bikur Cholim volunteers
Marcia and Robert Kerchner
l'ilui nishmas Shmuel Simcha ben Yitzchak Levi whose yahrtzeit is this Shabbos.
Naomi & Ori Carmel
Judi Roth
in honor of Rabbi Yosef and Miriam Singer
Lani & Josh Heching
Gail Eisenberg
In memory of Harry Eisenberg ZL and in honor of Bikur Cholim and all the wonderful ways they helped me and Harry ZL
Eve Farber
Eve Farren Farber
Leslie Silber
Memory of Frances Feldmen
Jorden Brinn
Kreisler Family
Ariel Segal
Nicole and Marc Murinson
In honor of our son Zach's birth
Ethel Goldwasser
In Memory of Dr. Judah Goldwasser &
May the power of Zot Chanukah bring a
speedy Refuah Shlaima to Naftali Hertz ben Sina Raizel, Binyamin Chaim ben Zelda, & all of the Cholim in our Community & beyond.
Andrea Lee-Zucker
Rose Goldberg
Jack Calman
Sharona Rozmaryn
Garfield Family
In honor of Audrey for all that she does!
for refuah, nechama, and bracha for klal Yisrael
Sholom Simon and Shana Wallace
In memory of Louise and Mark Simon
Eddie Snyder and Ann Wimpfheimer
In honor of those friends we serve and the volunteers who serve them
Miriam and Allen Schick
In honor of Audrey & Neil Siegel- role models in chesed and ahavas
Jane and Lous Shotkin
Jacob Halpern
Saadia Greenberg
In appreciation of the opportunity for Lily to participate in the Chanukah Boutique
Yaffa Klatzkow
Refuah shelaima for Yaccov Ben Chaya Miriam
Melanie and Steven Fleisher
In honor of the cholim in our community and in our family
Marcia Meth
In memory of Sheldon Meth
Samuels Family
In memory of the 9th ano of Albert S.
Harold Hershey
Naomi Ronis
Laurence S. Herman
Menachem and Nava Ely
Sahra Ginsburg
Audrey Siegel
Jodi Mailman
In memory of Fred Mailman
Shmuel and Mindy Tolchinsky
Janet Rottenberg
Jennifer Tabin
Jennifer and Yitzhak Cohen
Jan & Don Moses
Raphael Ginsburg
Estaire Yb Schachter
In memory of Marilyn Z Burstyn , mother
In memory of Maeir Y Burstyn, brother
Ali and Seth Jacobson
Refuah shelama to anyone in need
Firooz Askarinam
Heidi and Steve Lamar
The Snyders
Refuah Sheleimah to Golda bas Rifka and all the cholim of klal yisrael
Lisa Mellman
In Honor of Rhonda and Jay Lehman
Zahava, Gal and Lev Butler
In honor of our righteous Savta, Sharon Butler.
Donna and Jeff Lawrence
Deborah & Pinchus Laufer
Refuah Shelaimah of Elimelech Ben Rivkah Debrush betoch kol cholei Yisrael
Yudi and Simcha Hercenberg
Max and Debi Rudmann
Gary and Shana Winters
Audrey and Neil Siegel
In honor of a refuah shleimah for all the cholim in our community.
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