About Us
Long Island Crisis Center provides 24/7, free, high quality, confidential and non-judgmental programs and services to support and empower Long Islanders at critical times in their lives.
Let’s Walk, Let’s Talk is a yearly walk and fundraiser hosted by Long Island Crisis Center.  Since 2009, The Walk has been an opportunity for people from across Long Island to come together, walk together, and raise awareness of suicide prevention in our community.  Each year, this moving and spirited event is attended by individuals and families – young and old – with the aim of spreading the message: “No one walks alone.” 
We Walk Because…
- We understand that suicide prevention is only effective when we can de-stigmatize the subject of suicide and talk openly and honestly about it
- We are honoring the lives of those who have died by suicide
- We want family and friends who have lost a loved one to suicide to have a day to acknowledge their loss in public
- We know that suicide crosses all religious, racial, ethnic, economic, and educational lines – it affects everyone
- We need to let everyone know that at Long Island Crisis Center “It’s Okay To Ask For Help”
- “We Walk…We Talk” together and we go home knowing that we may be saving a life.
For more information, please visit our website or Like us on Facebook
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