MB Strong- Raising Funds for Brain Tumor Research

Why Donate to Brain Tumor Awareness?
You may have never had a brain tumor. You may not even know anyone who’s had a brain tumor. So why should you donate money to brain tumor awareness? Why should you read any further?
These are fair questions to be asking. One year ago I’d be sitting here asking these same questions. Before you decide whether this is a cause you’d like to promote, I ask that you read my story first.
My Story
July 12, 2020. This was the day my life changed forever. I went to sleep that night as a healthy 23 year old man, or so I thought. I woke up later that night in confusion with paramedics standing over me. I was told that I had a grand mal seizure in my sleep. I quickly realized that maybe I wasn’t as healthy as I thought I was.
After visiting with the doctors about the incident, I was told I was healthy as could be. I was scheduled for a precautionary MRI, which would most likely reveal a healthy brain so I can move on with my life.
Not even 10 minutes after I left the MRI center I received a call from the neurologist. I was asked to come in that next morning to discuss results. My wife and I were terrified. Why would they want us to come in so quickly?
That next morning we waited in the doctor’s office for what felt like an eternity. The doctor walked in and explained that a large tumor had been growing on my frontal lobe. I looked to my wife as her eyes filled up with tears and I found myself wondering:
You may have never had a brain tumor. You may not even know anyone who’s had a brain tumor. So why should you donate money to brain tumor awareness? Why should you read any further?
These are fair questions to be asking. One year ago I’d be sitting here asking these same questions. Before you decide whether this is a cause you’d like to promote, I ask that you read my story first.
My Story
July 12, 2020. This was the day my life changed forever. I went to sleep that night as a healthy 23 year old man, or so I thought. I woke up later that night in confusion with paramedics standing over me. I was told that I had a grand mal seizure in my sleep. I quickly realized that maybe I wasn’t as healthy as I thought I was.
After visiting with the doctors about the incident, I was told I was healthy as could be. I was scheduled for a precautionary MRI, which would most likely reveal a healthy brain so I can move on with my life.
Not even 10 minutes after I left the MRI center I received a call from the neurologist. I was asked to come in that next morning to discuss results. My wife and I were terrified. Why would they want us to come in so quickly?
That next morning we waited in the doctor’s office for what felt like an eternity. The doctor walked in and explained that a large tumor had been growing on my frontal lobe. I looked to my wife as her eyes filled up with tears and I found myself wondering:
“How could this happen to me? I’ve always put my health first. I've always been the young, active one.”
The only acceptable answer I was given— this can happen to anyone at any time.
I was told that the tumor was rather large, but luckily it was in a “good” spot in my brain. Before I knew it, I was at Duke Brain Tumor Center undergoing brain surgery. They were able to perform a successful craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as they could see.
While recovering from my brain surgery, my wife and I prayed that was the end of this journey. We hoped that the doctor would call and tell us I’m okay and healthy again— that the tumor was benign and all gone.
Fast forward a few days and the doctors called us to discuss the results of the tumor analysis. We were told that the tumor is a grade 3 glioma. In other words, this tumor is cancerous and fast-growing. After recovering from brain surgery, I was scheduled to begin an intense phase of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
Radiation and chemo treatment was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through to this point in my life. My treatment was every day— even when I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed or walk into the radiation office. I found myself often thinking about my friends and family through this stage of the process. No matter how tough the process was, I had to push through. Not for me, but for them.
Following my radiation and chemotherapy treatment, I immediately began a second round of chemotherapy— this time higher dosages for a full year. I’m currently in this phase of treatment and will be until the end of 2021. While I don’t have to go in every day for the radiation treatment anymore, the chemo still wears on my body each and every day.
I’m proud to say at this point in my life I have fought through brain surgery. I have fought through months of intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I may have fought through these battles, but I’m not done yet. I still have many more battles in me before I win this war with cancer.
Any challenge either breaks you or makes you stronger. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not going to stop until I beat this thing once and for all.
No matter how tough a challenge is, I always try to find the positives. Believe it or not, in this case there are many:
⁃ I am young and healthy enough to fight this.
⁃ The doctors were able to perform surgery to remove part of the tumor.
⁃ I am surrounded by a loving wife and family.
⁃ I have some of the best friends a man can ask for. True friends who are with me through the best times and the worst.
⁃ I am surrounded by some of the best doctors in the world with some of the best treatments.
MB Strong
This year, I will be pushing myself to overcome another challenge. I will be running a half marathon on May 2, 2021. Before I run this race, my goal is to raise as much money and awareness for brain tumor research.
While I will still be undergoing my chemotherapy treatment during this race, it’s something that’s very important to me and I will be finishing this race. Life does not stop when going through chemotherapy. Life does not stop just because you get cancer. Life goes on and you can still do anything you put your mind to.
Enough about me. Now that you know my story, you understand my battle with brain cancer. You understand why this fundraising campaign is so important to me.
This campaign is not about me. This campaign is about helping the future of the brain tumor community. Twenty years ago, I would not have the quality of life I’ve been given. Twenty years from now, I want those that follow in my footsteps to have it better than me.
Just like I can’t beat cancer on my own, I can’t make this future possible on my own either. I need your help to turn this dream into a reality.
I was told that the tumor was rather large, but luckily it was in a “good” spot in my brain. Before I knew it, I was at Duke Brain Tumor Center undergoing brain surgery. They were able to perform a successful craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as they could see.
While recovering from my brain surgery, my wife and I prayed that was the end of this journey. We hoped that the doctor would call and tell us I’m okay and healthy again— that the tumor was benign and all gone.
Fast forward a few days and the doctors called us to discuss the results of the tumor analysis. We were told that the tumor is a grade 3 glioma. In other words, this tumor is cancerous and fast-growing. After recovering from brain surgery, I was scheduled to begin an intense phase of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
Radiation and chemo treatment was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through to this point in my life. My treatment was every day— even when I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed or walk into the radiation office. I found myself often thinking about my friends and family through this stage of the process. No matter how tough the process was, I had to push through. Not for me, but for them.
Following my radiation and chemotherapy treatment, I immediately began a second round of chemotherapy— this time higher dosages for a full year. I’m currently in this phase of treatment and will be until the end of 2021. While I don’t have to go in every day for the radiation treatment anymore, the chemo still wears on my body each and every day.
I’m proud to say at this point in my life I have fought through brain surgery. I have fought through months of intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I may have fought through these battles, but I’m not done yet. I still have many more battles in me before I win this war with cancer.
Any challenge either breaks you or makes you stronger. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not going to stop until I beat this thing once and for all.
No matter how tough a challenge is, I always try to find the positives. Believe it or not, in this case there are many:
⁃ I am young and healthy enough to fight this.
⁃ The doctors were able to perform surgery to remove part of the tumor.
⁃ I am surrounded by a loving wife and family.
⁃ I have some of the best friends a man can ask for. True friends who are with me through the best times and the worst.
⁃ I am surrounded by some of the best doctors in the world with some of the best treatments.
MB Strong
This year, I will be pushing myself to overcome another challenge. I will be running a half marathon on May 2, 2021. Before I run this race, my goal is to raise as much money and awareness for brain tumor research.
While I will still be undergoing my chemotherapy treatment during this race, it’s something that’s very important to me and I will be finishing this race. Life does not stop when going through chemotherapy. Life does not stop just because you get cancer. Life goes on and you can still do anything you put your mind to.
Enough about me. Now that you know my story, you understand my battle with brain cancer. You understand why this fundraising campaign is so important to me.
This campaign is not about me. This campaign is about helping the future of the brain tumor community. Twenty years ago, I would not have the quality of life I’ve been given. Twenty years from now, I want those that follow in my footsteps to have it better than me.
Just like I can’t beat cancer on my own, I can’t make this future possible on my own either. I need your help to turn this dream into a reality.
100% Raised of $40,000 Goal
Claire Waller
Way to kick ass in your 13.1 McKinnon!!!!
Michael Pilla Foundation To Fight Cancer Pilla
Michael Pia
Mac Sproul
McKinnon Bowen
Joseph Berrios
Nick Bertocci
In memory of my mom, Karen Bertocci, who battled leukemia for 3 years & passed this January.
Fuck cancer & never let life kick you any direction other than forward. You're an incredible inspiration man.
Fuck cancer & never let life kick you any direction other than forward. You're an incredible inspiration man.
Casey Dajani
Congrats on finishing the race! Crazy fast time too, insane. You're an inspiration my man. Praying for perseverance. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Len Cerasoli
Go McKinnon!
Julian A
Anna and Rachel Bonner
Keep Fighting McKinnon!!
Susan Clark
Go mckinnon super proud of you
Francesca Vollaro
David Paylor
McKinnon Bowen
I remember you had one of the fastest mile time at Sanders! Proud to see how far you’ve come and excited to see what else you’ll accomplish!
Bailey & Jaiden
Rodney Pruett
You inspire me!
Stay Strong!
Kyle & Ali Broadbent
Frank and April Ryder
You are Amazing McKinnon! You live up to your MB Strong logo!
Dad and Mom
We are so very proud of your courage, dedication and desire to help others. We love you bunches! Keep fighting every day!
Paula Bowen
I am so proud of you McKinnon! Not only have you stayed strong throughout this whole ordeal, but you are also helping and giving others hope through this great fundraiser. I wish I could see you cross the finish line!
Matt and Mary Musso
Many are content to stop at survivor, few embrace the call to be conquerors and champions.. May the love and respect filled prayers that come your way lighten each footstep of your journey.
Marcia Overstreet
In Memory of Brooke Overstreet for patient of the Brain Tumor Center.
Kristina Ford
In memory of my brother Tom Ford who also fought this horrible cancer. We miss him so much! We are thankful for the care he received at Duke!
Jonathan Kampf
Katie Maloney
So proud of you! Keep kicking ass Kenny - sending all my love #MBstrong
Christopher Hatley
I miss hanging out with all in Raleigh! Bauer has been keeping me updated with what y’all are up to. I hope to see y’all soon!
Austen Bauer
The Cowden Family
In Memory of Gayle Miler, loving Mother and Grandmother. Stay strong!!
Zach Tekamp
Henry Kirkpatrick
Thinking about you Kenny!
William S
Tyler Cowden
Thinking about you all! Keep going buddy.
Jack Kitto
Collin Buckley
Barbara & Juju McCuiston
McKinnon you inspire us all. We are cheering for you and Jackie!
Christian and Erica Conklin
Kelsey, Grayson & Elyse
We are so proud of you McKinnon, and will never stop praying / fighting alongside you.
Katie McKenna
Stephanie Tasky Adamson
For MB. We don’t know each other but your mom and I were childhood friends. I saw a post on FB and had to let you know I’m praying for you to kick cancer’s ass.
Shannon Failor
Dale Phillips
McKinnon Bowen
The Borghoff’s
Amazing work McKinnon. See you behind the boat this summer.
Boochy Dunne
Dave & Robin Robinson
In honor of McKinnon Bowen’s courage and fight! ️
Patrick, Denise & Katie Maloney
You are so inspiring!
Tony Godwin
Praying for you McKinnon!
Inspired by your strength and for the love of those who have waged a similar battle
Donald Cohn
Brian Kelley
Anita Weatherly
Holly Vera
Jebb Ricketts
Ernest & Teresa Alphin
Paula Bordogna
Mary Kennedy
Craig Steger
Carmella Cinaglia
Sending love and support from DE - forever and always!
John Miller
Frances Godwin
Aunt Frances is proud of McKinnon and Jackie's faith and positive attitude. Sending my love and prayers for you, your medical staff and the entire Bowen clan.
Austin Hughes
Love you brother!
Justin Hooper
Clinton Alphin
We can do hard things
Kristen Cranham
We love you!!!
Rachel Spencer
Praying for you
Karen Karasinski
Praying for you, McKinnon!
Mary Kelley
With much love and many prayers...Maggie & GP
Donna Martin
Our dear Sashi
Hunter Artz
Nathaniel Branower
Valerie Maloney
You are just amazing! Thank you for being so tough & so generous to think of others. Sending Prayers and love from the Maloney’s.
Tyler Corbo
Keep fightin brother!
Kevin Connolly
Patsy Dickerman
McKinnon stay strong and fight!!! You are blessed with a strong family and together You Can BEAT Cancer.
Kyle Purcell
Timothy Kay
Alaina Bowen
Only person I will run a half marathon for...love you wink! #MBstrong
Brittney Conklin
Patrick Bernstein
You've got this Kenny, I'll be right there with you May 2nd... until you leave me in the dust a half-mile in.
Kimberly Eckert
That positive attitude will serve you well.
Amy Chani
Julie Burke
Beth Holcomb
Kirin Prakash
an inspiration to us all!
David Kelley
Keep up the great attitude and the great effort--we are all pulling for you--David, Sarah, Catharine, Emme, and Patrick!!
Courtney Strand
Jake Gordon
Devan Rook
Love you brother! #MBstrong
Steven Alness
You are such an inspiration Kenny in so many ways. Lots of hugs, love, and prayers each day for you and Jackie.
Steve Alness and Patty Cuskelly
Steve Alness and Patty Cuskelly
Simran Singh
Michael Tuffey
Rebecca Skinner
Ryan Musso
Love you Kenny! Keep fighting and inspiring us!
Louis Simms
Megan Gorzkowski
Derrick Dreier
Love you Kenny
Winter Brooks
Phil Kowalski
You the man Kenny
Jenna Knox
May Roy
Eric Cuskelly
Jacob Pratt
Reza Khan
Praying for you McKinnon!! You got this!!
Katherine Worthington
You got this Kenny!!
Cassandra Tomkins
Caroline Vandemark
William Worthington
In memory of Aunt Tess. Keep fighting Kenny!
Yong Kim
Cameron Bowen
Always proud of you. Keep going one more. We love you!
Ben Wixson
Melinda Conklin
Glory to God for His healing! Thank you for being a Light!
Brian Cuskelly
Teague Hagerty
Korey Devins
Amy Gottschling
Kathleen Marinzulich
Morgan McDaniel
Blake Duncan
Amanda Dilley
Alex Branower
Owen Drugan
MB Strong!! Love you brother!
Sydney Smith
Keep fighting McKinnon!
Amanda Cominsky
Teddy Gotfredson
Davang Shah
Brian Failor
Julia Szydlowski
Ali Swanson
Justus Weaver
McKinnon Bowden.
Keep fighting brother
You're an amazing person and a testament to the strength and willpower of humanity
Keep fighting brother
You're an amazing person and a testament to the strength and willpower of humanity
David Bergida
Kara Cuskelly
MB Strong! Go Kenny!
Josh Dajani
Keep fighting! Praying for you!
Psalm 46
Psalm 46
In honor of McKinnon Bowen
Josh Toal
Stay hard McKinnon
Diane Sullivan
On behalf of Maggie Sullivan and the Sullivan Family ( St Augustine friends of Jackie!) we wish you the best!!
Christian & Erica Conklin
Daniel Sullivan
Tough times don’t last, tough people do.
William Hobson
MB STRONG! Daily prayers for you, McKinnon, your doctors, and your family.
Willie & Judy Hobson
Willie & Judy Hobson
Kenan Godwin
MB STRONG. We love you, McKinnon!!
Julia and Kenan Godwin
Julia and Kenan Godwin
Dana Seigelstein
Kelsey Price
You’re amazing, we’re with you every step of the way! Tanner + Kelsey
Jill Cheretis
MB Strong!!
Nik Sommer
Maryanna Dirupo
Kaitlin Luzik
Kaitlyn Cranham
MBStrong. You’re killing it dude, so proud of you.
Taylor Mras
Katy Wilson
MB Strong All Day Every Day
Andrew Musso
Patricia Olsen
In honor of our amazing Mckinnon Bowen. Love, John & Pat Olsen
Steven Weber
Bradley Lewis
Beth Delaney
MB Strong
Jonathan Faul
Wrestled with grit, determination and drive - I know you will beat this the same way! Wishing you and your wife the best throughout this coming year
Patricia Douglas
Stay strong MB
John Cheretis
Psalm 62:5-8
Stacey Nicholson
Anne Scroggs
I don’t know you but I am proud of you for doing this in the midst of your fight.
Cindy Johnson
Daniel Hornfeck
Mary Taylor
You can do this, McKennon!! We love you!
Carole Hebb
McKinnon Bowen
Gordon and Gretchen Robertson
Natalie Walker
You got this, McKinnon!
Sophia Prince
Praying for you!!
Melanie Rosen
Alan Nabors
Will be thinking of you and your family...
Andrew Blevin
Nicole Marion
Matt Nabors
Praying for you every day McKinnon!
Denise Dwyer
You’ve got this McKinnon
Abby Tebbenhoff
Praying for you McKinnon!
Contemporary Electrical Services
Stay strong McKinnon. We are all with you. You got this!
Mary Lynn Sully
Varun Shah
Stay Strong McKinnon
Candice Derendorf
In honor of McKinnon Bowen
Margaret Musso
You are our warrior, we are your tribe.
Adrienne Bauer
Catherine Kennedy
Mike Pratt
Akash Nijhawan
Zachary Regester
Love you brother. Go one more!
Kaleigh Chiodini
Micaela McSorley
Go off Kenny!! Cancer picked the wrong dude️
Joe Harkness
Kris Shook
Michael Musso
#MBSTRONG! You Got This. You presence has made all of our lives fuller. Beau & Bella’s Grandpa ;)
Thinking of you
Erin Pratt
Thoughts and prayers are with you McKinnon as you fight this battle.
Jessica Joyce
Juanita Uribe
You’re amazing McKinnon!
Kenny Bowen, you are the strongest dude I know. You got this.
Amy Delaney
You are in our prayers, M.
Allea Roach
Sam Pruett
Sam Pruett
We love you kenny ️
Dimitra Conits
Diana McKay
Andrew Buchmeier
The 508 crew. We got your back brother!
Amy Bordogna
Christine Mulligan
In honor of Kenny & Jackie
Katherine Deluke
Honoring two strong, loving, amazing people... MB and JNP
Kimberly Cranham
#MBStrong. We love you!! The Cranham’s
Kelly Minemier
In honor of Jackie’s husband, McKinnon
Elizabeth Fuerst
Eileen Plaehn
Mary Hayes
You’re a superstar McKinnon!
Brighid Minemier
In honor of MB <3
Brandon Savoie
Barbara Tangredi
Laney Sullivan
Matt Gaetz
MB Strong!
In Honor of McKinnon Bowen, and the incredible doctors that helped him.
Hannah Bordogna
In honor of McKinnon!
Sara Matthews
In honor of Cameron Bowen, one of my grandson Logan’s best friends.
Muireann Woulfe
MB Strong!!
Cecilia Bole
Samuel Michael
Lisa Millar
In Support of Duke's Research, MkKinnon and all our warriors and angels including Brad, Lisa and Bob.
Lisa Millar
In loving memory of Brad and in Honor of Warrior McKinnon

100% Raised of $40,000 Goal
Why Donate to Brain Tumor Awareness?
You may have never had a brain tumor. You may not even know anyone who’s had a brain tumor. So why should you donate money to brain tumor awareness? Why should you read any further?
These are fair questions to be asking. One year ago I’d be sitting here asking these same questions. Before you decide whether this is a cause you’d like to promote, I ask that you read my story first.
My Story
July 12, 2020. This was the day my life changed forever. I went to sleep that night as a healthy 23 year old man, or so I thought. I woke up later that night in confusion with paramedics standing over me. I was told that I had a grand mal seizure in my sleep. I quickly realized that maybe I wasn’t as healthy as I thought I was.
After visiting with the doctors about the incident, I was told I was healthy as could be. I was scheduled for a precautionary MRI, which would most likely reveal a healthy brain so I can move on with my life.
Not even 10 minutes after I left the MRI center I received a call from the neurologist. I was asked to come in that next morning to discuss results. My wife and I were terrified. Why would they want us to come in so quickly?
That next morning we waited in the doctor’s office for what felt like an eternity. The doctor walked in and explained that a large tumor had been growing on my frontal lobe. I looked to my wife as her eyes filled up with tears and I found myself wondering:
You may have never had a brain tumor. You may not even know anyone who’s had a brain tumor. So why should you donate money to brain tumor awareness? Why should you read any further?
These are fair questions to be asking. One year ago I’d be sitting here asking these same questions. Before you decide whether this is a cause you’d like to promote, I ask that you read my story first.
My Story
July 12, 2020. This was the day my life changed forever. I went to sleep that night as a healthy 23 year old man, or so I thought. I woke up later that night in confusion with paramedics standing over me. I was told that I had a grand mal seizure in my sleep. I quickly realized that maybe I wasn’t as healthy as I thought I was.
After visiting with the doctors about the incident, I was told I was healthy as could be. I was scheduled for a precautionary MRI, which would most likely reveal a healthy brain so I can move on with my life.
Not even 10 minutes after I left the MRI center I received a call from the neurologist. I was asked to come in that next morning to discuss results. My wife and I were terrified. Why would they want us to come in so quickly?
That next morning we waited in the doctor’s office for what felt like an eternity. The doctor walked in and explained that a large tumor had been growing on my frontal lobe. I looked to my wife as her eyes filled up with tears and I found myself wondering:
“How could this happen to me? I’ve always put my health first. I've always been the young, active one.”
The only acceptable answer I was given— this can happen to anyone at any time.
I was told that the tumor was rather large, but luckily it was in a “good” spot in my brain. Before I knew it, I was at Duke Brain Tumor Center undergoing brain surgery. They were able to perform a successful craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as they could see.
While recovering from my brain surgery, my wife and I prayed that was the end of this journey. We hoped that the doctor would call and tell us I’m okay and healthy again— that the tumor was benign and all gone.
Fast forward a few days and the doctors called us to discuss the results of the tumor analysis. We were told that the tumor is a grade 3 glioma. In other words, this tumor is cancerous and fast-growing. After recovering from brain surgery, I was scheduled to begin an intense phase of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
Radiation and chemo treatment was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through to this point in my life. My treatment was every day— even when I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed or walk into the radiation office. I found myself often thinking about my friends and family through this stage of the process. No matter how tough the process was, I had to push through. Not for me, but for them.
Following my radiation and chemotherapy treatment, I immediately began a second round of chemotherapy— this time higher dosages for a full year. I’m currently in this phase of treatment and will be until the end of 2021. While I don’t have to go in every day for the radiation treatment anymore, the chemo still wears on my body each and every day.
I’m proud to say at this point in my life I have fought through brain surgery. I have fought through months of intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I may have fought through these battles, but I’m not done yet. I still have many more battles in me before I win this war with cancer.
Any challenge either breaks you or makes you stronger. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not going to stop until I beat this thing once and for all.
No matter how tough a challenge is, I always try to find the positives. Believe it or not, in this case there are many:
⁃ I am young and healthy enough to fight this.
⁃ The doctors were able to perform surgery to remove part of the tumor.
⁃ I am surrounded by a loving wife and family.
⁃ I have some of the best friends a man can ask for. True friends who are with me through the best times and the worst.
⁃ I am surrounded by some of the best doctors in the world with some of the best treatments.
MB Strong
This year, I will be pushing myself to overcome another challenge. I will be running a half marathon on May 2, 2021. Before I run this race, my goal is to raise as much money and awareness for brain tumor research.
While I will still be undergoing my chemotherapy treatment during this race, it’s something that’s very important to me and I will be finishing this race. Life does not stop when going through chemotherapy. Life does not stop just because you get cancer. Life goes on and you can still do anything you put your mind to.
Enough about me. Now that you know my story, you understand my battle with brain cancer. You understand why this fundraising campaign is so important to me.
This campaign is not about me. This campaign is about helping the future of the brain tumor community. Twenty years ago, I would not have the quality of life I’ve been given. Twenty years from now, I want those that follow in my footsteps to have it better than me.
Just like I can’t beat cancer on my own, I can’t make this future possible on my own either. I need your help to turn this dream into a reality.
I was told that the tumor was rather large, but luckily it was in a “good” spot in my brain. Before I knew it, I was at Duke Brain Tumor Center undergoing brain surgery. They were able to perform a successful craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as they could see.
While recovering from my brain surgery, my wife and I prayed that was the end of this journey. We hoped that the doctor would call and tell us I’m okay and healthy again— that the tumor was benign and all gone.
Fast forward a few days and the doctors called us to discuss the results of the tumor analysis. We were told that the tumor is a grade 3 glioma. In other words, this tumor is cancerous and fast-growing. After recovering from brain surgery, I was scheduled to begin an intense phase of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
Radiation and chemo treatment was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through to this point in my life. My treatment was every day— even when I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed or walk into the radiation office. I found myself often thinking about my friends and family through this stage of the process. No matter how tough the process was, I had to push through. Not for me, but for them.
Following my radiation and chemotherapy treatment, I immediately began a second round of chemotherapy— this time higher dosages for a full year. I’m currently in this phase of treatment and will be until the end of 2021. While I don’t have to go in every day for the radiation treatment anymore, the chemo still wears on my body each and every day.
I’m proud to say at this point in my life I have fought through brain surgery. I have fought through months of intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I may have fought through these battles, but I’m not done yet. I still have many more battles in me before I win this war with cancer.
Any challenge either breaks you or makes you stronger. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not going to stop until I beat this thing once and for all.
No matter how tough a challenge is, I always try to find the positives. Believe it or not, in this case there are many:
⁃ I am young and healthy enough to fight this.
⁃ The doctors were able to perform surgery to remove part of the tumor.
⁃ I am surrounded by a loving wife and family.
⁃ I have some of the best friends a man can ask for. True friends who are with me through the best times and the worst.
⁃ I am surrounded by some of the best doctors in the world with some of the best treatments.
MB Strong
This year, I will be pushing myself to overcome another challenge. I will be running a half marathon on May 2, 2021. Before I run this race, my goal is to raise as much money and awareness for brain tumor research.
While I will still be undergoing my chemotherapy treatment during this race, it’s something that’s very important to me and I will be finishing this race. Life does not stop when going through chemotherapy. Life does not stop just because you get cancer. Life goes on and you can still do anything you put your mind to.
Enough about me. Now that you know my story, you understand my battle with brain cancer. You understand why this fundraising campaign is so important to me.
This campaign is not about me. This campaign is about helping the future of the brain tumor community. Twenty years ago, I would not have the quality of life I’ve been given. Twenty years from now, I want those that follow in my footsteps to have it better than me.
Just like I can’t beat cancer on my own, I can’t make this future possible on my own either. I need your help to turn this dream into a reality.
Claire Waller
Way to kick ass in your 13.1 McKinnon!!!!
Michael Pilla Foundation To Fight Cancer Pilla
Michael Pia
Mac Sproul
McKinnon Bowen
Joseph Berrios
Nick Bertocci
In memory of my mom, Karen Bertocci, who battled leukemia for 3 years & passed this January.
Fuck cancer & never let life kick you any direction other than forward. You're an incredible inspiration man.
Fuck cancer & never let life kick you any direction other than forward. You're an incredible inspiration man.
Casey Dajani
Congrats on finishing the race! Crazy fast time too, insane. You're an inspiration my man. Praying for perseverance. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Len Cerasoli
Go McKinnon!
Julian A
Anna and Rachel Bonner
Keep Fighting McKinnon!!
Susan Clark
Go mckinnon super proud of you
Francesca Vollaro
David Paylor
McKinnon Bowen
I remember you had one of the fastest mile time at Sanders! Proud to see how far you’ve come and excited to see what else you’ll accomplish!
Bailey & Jaiden
Rodney Pruett
You inspire me!
Stay Strong!
Kyle & Ali Broadbent
Frank and April Ryder
You are Amazing McKinnon! You live up to your MB Strong logo!
Dad and Mom
We are so very proud of your courage, dedication and desire to help others. We love you bunches! Keep fighting every day!
Paula Bowen
I am so proud of you McKinnon! Not only have you stayed strong throughout this whole ordeal, but you are also helping and giving others hope through this great fundraiser. I wish I could see you cross the finish line!
Matt and Mary Musso
Many are content to stop at survivor, few embrace the call to be conquerors and champions.. May the love and respect filled prayers that come your way lighten each footstep of your journey.
Marcia Overstreet
In Memory of Brooke Overstreet for patient of the Brain Tumor Center.
Kristina Ford
In memory of my brother Tom Ford who also fought this horrible cancer. We miss him so much! We are thankful for the care he received at Duke!
Jonathan Kampf
Katie Maloney
So proud of you! Keep kicking ass Kenny - sending all my love #MBstrong
Christopher Hatley
I miss hanging out with all in Raleigh! Bauer has been keeping me updated with what y’all are up to. I hope to see y’all soon!
Austen Bauer
The Cowden Family
In Memory of Gayle Miler, loving Mother and Grandmother. Stay strong!!
Zach Tekamp
Henry Kirkpatrick
Thinking about you Kenny!
William S
Tyler Cowden
Thinking about you all! Keep going buddy.
Jack Kitto
Collin Buckley
Barbara & Juju McCuiston
McKinnon you inspire us all. We are cheering for you and Jackie!
Christian and Erica Conklin
Kelsey, Grayson & Elyse
We are so proud of you McKinnon, and will never stop praying / fighting alongside you.
Katie McKenna
Stephanie Tasky Adamson
For MB. We don’t know each other but your mom and I were childhood friends. I saw a post on FB and had to let you know I’m praying for you to kick cancer’s ass.
Shannon Failor
Dale Phillips
McKinnon Bowen
The Borghoff’s
Amazing work McKinnon. See you behind the boat this summer.
Boochy Dunne
Dave & Robin Robinson
In honor of McKinnon Bowen’s courage and fight! ️
Patrick, Denise & Katie Maloney
You are so inspiring!
Tony Godwin
Praying for you McKinnon!
Inspired by your strength and for the love of those who have waged a similar battle
Donald Cohn
Brian Kelley
Anita Weatherly
Holly Vera
Jebb Ricketts
Ernest & Teresa Alphin
Paula Bordogna
Mary Kennedy
Craig Steger
Carmella Cinaglia
Sending love and support from DE - forever and always!
John Miller
Frances Godwin
Aunt Frances is proud of McKinnon and Jackie's faith and positive attitude. Sending my love and prayers for you, your medical staff and the entire Bowen clan.
Austin Hughes
Love you brother!
Justin Hooper
Clinton Alphin
We can do hard things
Kristen Cranham
We love you!!!
Rachel Spencer
Praying for you
Karen Karasinski
Praying for you, McKinnon!
Mary Kelley
With much love and many prayers...Maggie & GP
Donna Martin
Our dear Sashi
Hunter Artz
Nathaniel Branower
Valerie Maloney
You are just amazing! Thank you for being so tough & so generous to think of others. Sending Prayers and love from the Maloney’s.
Tyler Corbo
Keep fightin brother!
Kevin Connolly
Patsy Dickerman
McKinnon stay strong and fight!!! You are blessed with a strong family and together You Can BEAT Cancer.
Kyle Purcell
Timothy Kay
Alaina Bowen
Only person I will run a half marathon for...love you wink! #MBstrong
Brittney Conklin
Patrick Bernstein
You've got this Kenny, I'll be right there with you May 2nd... until you leave me in the dust a half-mile in.
Kimberly Eckert
That positive attitude will serve you well.
Amy Chani
Julie Burke
Beth Holcomb
Kirin Prakash
an inspiration to us all!
David Kelley
Keep up the great attitude and the great effort--we are all pulling for you--David, Sarah, Catharine, Emme, and Patrick!!
Courtney Strand
Jake Gordon
Devan Rook
Love you brother! #MBstrong
Steven Alness
You are such an inspiration Kenny in so many ways. Lots of hugs, love, and prayers each day for you and Jackie.
Steve Alness and Patty Cuskelly
Steve Alness and Patty Cuskelly
Simran Singh
Michael Tuffey
Rebecca Skinner
Ryan Musso
Love you Kenny! Keep fighting and inspiring us!
Louis Simms
Megan Gorzkowski
Derrick Dreier
Love you Kenny
Winter Brooks
Phil Kowalski
You the man Kenny
Jenna Knox
May Roy
Eric Cuskelly
Jacob Pratt
Reza Khan
Praying for you McKinnon!! You got this!!
Katherine Worthington
You got this Kenny!!
Cassandra Tomkins
Caroline Vandemark
William Worthington
In memory of Aunt Tess. Keep fighting Kenny!
Yong Kim
Cameron Bowen
Always proud of you. Keep going one more. We love you!
Ben Wixson
Melinda Conklin
Glory to God for His healing! Thank you for being a Light!
Brian Cuskelly
Teague Hagerty
Korey Devins
Amy Gottschling
Kathleen Marinzulich
Morgan McDaniel
Blake Duncan
Amanda Dilley
Alex Branower
Owen Drugan
MB Strong!! Love you brother!
Sydney Smith
Keep fighting McKinnon!
Amanda Cominsky
Teddy Gotfredson
Davang Shah
Brian Failor
Julia Szydlowski
Ali Swanson
Justus Weaver
McKinnon Bowden.
Keep fighting brother
You're an amazing person and a testament to the strength and willpower of humanity
Keep fighting brother
You're an amazing person and a testament to the strength and willpower of humanity
David Bergida
Kara Cuskelly
MB Strong! Go Kenny!
Josh Dajani
Keep fighting! Praying for you!
Psalm 46
Psalm 46
In honor of McKinnon Bowen
Josh Toal
Stay hard McKinnon
Diane Sullivan
On behalf of Maggie Sullivan and the Sullivan Family ( St Augustine friends of Jackie!) we wish you the best!!
Christian & Erica Conklin
Daniel Sullivan
Tough times don’t last, tough people do.
William Hobson
MB STRONG! Daily prayers for you, McKinnon, your doctors, and your family.
Willie & Judy Hobson
Willie & Judy Hobson
Kenan Godwin
MB STRONG. We love you, McKinnon!!
Julia and Kenan Godwin
Julia and Kenan Godwin
Dana Seigelstein
Kelsey Price
You’re amazing, we’re with you every step of the way! Tanner + Kelsey
Jill Cheretis
MB Strong!!
Nik Sommer
Maryanna Dirupo
Kaitlin Luzik
Kaitlyn Cranham
MBStrong. You’re killing it dude, so proud of you.
Taylor Mras
Katy Wilson
MB Strong All Day Every Day
Andrew Musso
Patricia Olsen
In honor of our amazing Mckinnon Bowen. Love, John & Pat Olsen
Steven Weber
Bradley Lewis
Beth Delaney
MB Strong
Jonathan Faul
Wrestled with grit, determination and drive - I know you will beat this the same way! Wishing you and your wife the best throughout this coming year
Patricia Douglas
Stay strong MB
John Cheretis
Psalm 62:5-8
Stacey Nicholson
Anne Scroggs
I don’t know you but I am proud of you for doing this in the midst of your fight.
Cindy Johnson
Daniel Hornfeck
Mary Taylor
You can do this, McKennon!! We love you!
Carole Hebb
McKinnon Bowen
Gordon and Gretchen Robertson
Natalie Walker
You got this, McKinnon!
Sophia Prince
Praying for you!!
Melanie Rosen
Alan Nabors
Will be thinking of you and your family...
Andrew Blevin
Nicole Marion
Matt Nabors
Praying for you every day McKinnon!
Denise Dwyer
You’ve got this McKinnon
Abby Tebbenhoff
Praying for you McKinnon!
Contemporary Electrical Services
Stay strong McKinnon. We are all with you. You got this!
Mary Lynn Sully
Varun Shah
Stay Strong McKinnon
Candice Derendorf
In honor of McKinnon Bowen
Margaret Musso
You are our warrior, we are your tribe.
Adrienne Bauer
Catherine Kennedy
Mike Pratt
Akash Nijhawan
Zachary Regester
Love you brother. Go one more!
Kaleigh Chiodini
Micaela McSorley
Go off Kenny!! Cancer picked the wrong dude️
Joe Harkness
Kris Shook
Michael Musso
#MBSTRONG! You Got This. You presence has made all of our lives fuller. Beau & Bella’s Grandpa ;)
Thinking of you
Erin Pratt
Thoughts and prayers are with you McKinnon as you fight this battle.
Jessica Joyce
Juanita Uribe
You’re amazing McKinnon!
Kenny Bowen, you are the strongest dude I know. You got this.
Amy Delaney
You are in our prayers, M.
Allea Roach
Sam Pruett
Sam Pruett
We love you kenny ️
Dimitra Conits
Diana McKay
Andrew Buchmeier
The 508 crew. We got your back brother!
Amy Bordogna
Christine Mulligan
In honor of Kenny & Jackie
Katherine Deluke
Honoring two strong, loving, amazing people... MB and JNP
Kimberly Cranham
#MBStrong. We love you!! The Cranham’s
Kelly Minemier
In honor of Jackie’s husband, McKinnon
Elizabeth Fuerst
Eileen Plaehn
Mary Hayes
You’re a superstar McKinnon!
Brighid Minemier
In honor of MB <3
Brandon Savoie
Barbara Tangredi
Laney Sullivan
Matt Gaetz
MB Strong!
In Honor of McKinnon Bowen, and the incredible doctors that helped him.
Hannah Bordogna
In honor of McKinnon!
Sara Matthews
In honor of Cameron Bowen, one of my grandson Logan’s best friends.
Muireann Woulfe
MB Strong!!
Cecilia Bole
Samuel Michael
Lisa Millar
In Support of Duke's Research, MkKinnon and all our warriors and angels including Brad, Lisa and Bob.
Lisa Millar
In loving memory of Brad and in Honor of Warrior McKinnon