SPONSOR Todd Mascioli
Neuroendocrine Cancer impacted my life June of last year. The tumors were discovered incidentally while having a CT scan of my heart. This is when they found 3 locations within my left lung, with one impacting a pulmonary vein and my left atrium. NETs in general are rare and even more so in the lungs. At this point my doctors felt it was unresectable due to its location. Further scans to analyze show full story

Your decision to sponsor me in the Strides for Stripes Zebra Walk is making a real difference in the fight against Neuroendocrine Cancer (NET). Your support helps fund vital programs that provide hope, resources, and support to NET patients and their families.
Together, we are taking strides towards a brighter future for those affected by NET. Thank you for being a part of this important cause!

The minimum donation amount is $10
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