Camille Donaghey
Run Forward
Team: Camille D
$250.00 of $250 goal
Run Forward
I wanted to let you know that so am so excited to be participating in the 5K/1Mile - Run Forward. Give Back Family Fun Day! This is a special event that will allow me to raise much needed funds for youth and family missions at Woods Church.
By supporting me, I will be able to attend the church trip called WoodsWork. See the About page on this website for all of the details. 
I am grateful for your donation or willingness to run/walk in the event on my team! Please visit my page at to sponsor me for this event.
Thank you,
Camille Donaghey
Share with your family and friends.
I wanted to let you know that so am so excited to be participating in the 5K/1Mile - Run Forward. Give Back Family Fun Day! This is a special event that will allow me to raise much needed funds for youth and family missions at Woods Church.
By supporting me, I will be able to attend the church trip called WoodsWork. See the About page on this website for all of the details. 
I am grateful for your donation or willingness to run/walk in the event on my team! Please visit my page at to sponsor me for this event.
Thank you,
Camille Donaghey
Share with your family and friends.

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