My father Mordechai Herschel z'l
Cheering you on Atara!! Have a great run for this great cause!
Go Atara!!!
Hi my name is Atara Tripp. It is my second year in Darkaynu. I enjoy Darkaynu because it is fun and we go on trips like museums, the Old Cidy, Mea Shearim and the shuk. I have made a lot of new friends in Darkaynu and in Lindenbaum. I also enjoy learning midrashim with my sunday chavruta. I also really enjoy the wonderful shabbatons like the one in the Old City and in Mitzpeh Ramon.
In conclusion Darkaynu is alot of fun. Please help me raise money so i can continue to have an amazing year.
In conclusion Darkaynu is alot of fun. Please help me raise money so i can continue to have an amazing year.
The Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
Hi my name is Atara Tripp. It is my second year in Darkaynu. I enjoy Darkaynu because it is fun and we go on trips like museums, the Old Cidy, Mea Shearim and the shuk. I have made a lot of new friends in Darkaynu and in Lindenbaum. I also enjoy learning midrashim with my sunday chavruta. I also really enjoy the wonderful shabbatons like the one in the Old City and in Mitzpeh Ramon.
In conclusion Darkaynu is alot of fun. Please help me raise money so i can continue to have an amazing year.
In conclusion Darkaynu is alot of fun. Please help me raise money so i can continue to have an amazing year.
The Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
My father Mordechai Herschel z'l
Cheering you on Atara!! Have a great run for this great cause!
Go Atara!!!