For Rivka’s daughter, Chani, in honor of my father (Z”L), Michael B. Fisher
Go Chani!
For the Refuah Shelema of David ben Dina
In a zechus for a yeshua for all who need!!
I am so excited to have the privilege to participate in the Ashkelon Marathon with my Darkaynu chavruta, Risha. We have so much fun learning together and can’t wait to run together for such a great cause. Money raised from this event will be used for the Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
Please help by sponsoring me. Every cent counts! Tizku L’mitzvot!
The Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
I am so excited to have the privilege to participate in the Ashkelon Marathon with my Darkaynu chavruta, Risha. We have so much fun learning together and can’t wait to run together for such a great cause. Money raised from this event will be used for the Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
Please help by sponsoring me. Every cent counts! Tizku L’mitzvot!
The Scholarship Fund of the Elaine and Norm Brodsky Darkaynu Programs.
For Rivka’s daughter, Chani, in honor of my father (Z”L), Michael B. Fisher
Go Chani!
For the Refuah Shelema of David ben Dina
In a zechus for a yeshua for all who need!!