Event Details
Event Info:
iDance4aCURE is an action based event to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer research. The Brad Kaminsky Foundation (TBKF.org), a not for profit, dedicated to raising funds and awareness for childohood and adult brain tumor and cancer research has joined forces for the 8th year in a row with Denville Dance Arts Center to put on this unique event that will test stamina but remind us that we can Dance4aCURE! TBKF is a 501(C)(3) not for profit and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of IRS law. All proceeds will benefit less toxic childhood cancer research.
Event Location:
Denville Dance Arts Center-Outside in the Parking Lot
Event Schedule:
Dancers will pledge to remain standing/dancing for 2 hours and raise a minimum of $100 in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness and Research. Will you Dance4aCURE?
11/12/2021   5:30PM - 11/12/2021   7:30PM
Company and Junior Company Dancers-$20
Virtual Participant: $15.00
Can't make it to one of the iDance4aCURE events but still want to help fundraise and get a tee shirt? Just sign up here as a virtual dancer! Customize your unique fundraising page and try and raise a minimum of $50 for Childhood Cancer Research!


Wizathon - Developed by PBCS Technology - 1046
Servers: web1 mysql5 Session Name: e1612