How Your Support Helps
The Star Legacy Foundation's work includes numerous projects & programs covering stillbirth awareness, research, education, advocacy and family support.  These programs are only possible through the generous support and donations from friends, family and the community at large.  The list below is only a sample of ways that your support and donations helps us accomplish our mission & vision.  Learn more about stillbirth here.
$25 – Provides one Comfort Plush Animal for a family so they don’t go home with ‘empty arms’.  These animals can be embroidered with the baby’s name, weighted to baby’s weight or can hold a cremation urn.
$50 – Provides a one month supply of stillbirth prevention patient education materials to a hospital.
$100 – Supports one bereaved family through their loss through the provision of materials, comfort package and peer support.
$200 – Covers the cost of an evening of support group services including facilitator stipend, room rental and materials.
$250 – Enroll one pregnancy in the perinatal research registry.
$500 – Provide cooling system to a L&D Unit for use with stillborn babies to give families the “Gift of Time” with their baby.
$1000 – Sponsor a researcher to present at the Stillbirth Summit
$2000 – Supports the publication of a research paper in an international journal
$2500 – Supports the annual costs of the 24/7 Support Line for bereaved families.
$5000 – Provide an educational training/retreat for healthcare teams caring for obstetrical bereaved families.
$5000 – Provides one month of data storage for the Perinatal Research Registry
$5000 – Provides for the development of an online continuing education course for health professionals on the prevention of stillbirth
$10,000 – Provides for the support of the Perinatal Research Registry for one month including data storage, abstracting of 60 medical records and record procurement costs.
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