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Joyce Levitas
Joyce Levitas
Joyce Levitas
Joyce Levitas
Jane Doe
Farley Levitas
Joyce Levitas
Joyce Levitas
Bob Marks
Go Rosie
Josie Levitas
Jane & Jim Parker
Go Bob!
Tom Billson
Shadow Levitas
Katie Shoop
Bob Adams
Ben Maiser
Sam Spector
Sam Apple
Dan Smart
Joyce Levitas-Test
Go charles
Joyce Mail 1
Joyce Levitas
Go Charles
Joyce Donatecause
Test Test
Rich Levitas
Sam Stove
go team
Red Rover
Penny Lopus
Good luck Charles!
Craig Selman
David Black
So proud of you William
Hannah Goldsmith
Paula Hill
Kate Spalling
Good Job!
Rose Roads
Cindi Roads
Bill Roads
West Roads
Susan Fox
Tom Fox
Rose Fox
Jack Blue
Susan Boxer
So proud of you Bill!
Greg Almond
Best Run
Sally Baker
Craig Stein
Greg Stein
Randy Bell
Shadow Levitas
Good luck Maddie. I am so proud of you!
Maddie Levitas
Kate Black
John Doe
Go William!
John Doe
Steve Famer
Deb Mars
Deb Mars
Tony Green
Go Barry
Richard Cluster
We are so proud of you!
Jane Smith
Go Charles!
Kate Billow
Rand Falls
Go Beet
Sandy Green
Kim Green
Tim Green
Candice Green
Greg Green
Todd Green
Felix Green
Yue Wexler
go run
Quent Trent
Ken Levin
Tom West
Wanda First
run sam run
Juan Horse
run pen run
Pen Post
Beatrice Beamer
Beatrice Beamer
Maddie Dawn
Robert Car
Sanford Tens
Bob Zacks
Go Charles
Kate Simple
Kendra Childs
Jeff Gordon
Barney Fox
Al Pinkner
Randi Baxter
So proud of you Ben for participating in this fundraiser.
Chuck Yanger
Sam Peller
Kate Missith
Richard Levitas
Kyle Summers
William Feller
Good Luck Charles
Randel Smile
Allen Fruchter
Greg Cranston
Carl Fido
in memory of Faige Bell
Will Bentley
Good Luck Charles
Billy Bard
Go Charles! So proud of you.
Jane Courtney
Joyce Ipad
Steve Miller
Gray Simmons
Yoni Fox
Go Steven Go
Craig Summers
Gram Spensor
Don Haster
Kate Smith
Troy Good
Greg Stevens
Jon Western
go terry
Terry Fogle
Marvin Jones
Bold Best
Ray Mullen
David' Holstein'
Ted Samuels
Bill Boxer
Ron Whang
Jane Allen
Good luck William!
Rich Stone
Rich Stone
Dave Williams
Good Luck William
Nicole Ortega
I hope this gets you guys closer to your goal!
Jeff Rowe
This an amazing cause!
Walter Hampton
Go Team Citigroup!
Alicia Strickland
Go Sue! Go Sue!
Bertha Higgins
I love your picture!
Travis Walton
Good luck Linda!
Grace Goodwin
Linda! Linda! That's what you are going to be hearing when you run on the race day.
Ruby Smith
Tracy Potter
James! can't wait until the race day!
Dawn Todd
Good luck!
Tiffany Curry
Florence Steele
Gluck Maria!
Ben Levitas
Scott Santiago
Maria! You can do this!
Rosa Becker
See you at the finish line!
Emily Dawson
good luck
Cidny Walsh
Good luck Steven!
Betsy Fein
Glenn Ball
Great pic!
Carmen Barker
good luck!
William Brooks
GO GO GO Susan!
Phillip Keller
I hope you do well
Tiffany Powers
Good luck Mary!
Connie Page
Wow Lisa! You already passed your goal!
Ruby Parks
You are an amazing person Lisa!
Bonnie Bush
Anne Norris
good luck Michael
Billy Holt
Go Michael!
Jack Beck
We fully support you Michael! (the Beck family)
Joyce Fine
Got you to your goal!
Ruby Silva
What an amazing cause!
Samuel Welch
Good luck to you Howard and to all of Team Citigroup!
Tammy Bay
good luck Ruth
Diane Austin
GO RUTH! We are cheering for you!
Albert Lane
See you at the finish line!
Heather Ruiz
Good luck!
Maddy Green
Ben Levitas
Good luck from Ben Elana and Ari!!
Janet Snyder
Good luck on reaching your goal!
Tali Djrebi
We fully support you Glen!
Orel Djerbi
Good luck Glen!
Benjamin Lane
This goes to a great cause!
Alice Fox
This will help you reach your goal!!!
Walter Hart
I hope you manage to reach your goal!
Arthur Black
Go Daniel!
Amy Shaw
Go Robert! Wish I could be there to support you.
Jeremy Sutton
Good luck Robert.
Ashley Anderson
A big meal will be waiting for you when you are done!
Jonathan Price
Good luck
Joan Kelly
I hope you don't hit the wall! But if you do remember the great cause you are running for!
Gerald Allen
Good luck brother!
Rose Brooks
Hope you reach your goal!
Patrick Perry
Good luck! What a great cause!
Berry Williams
good luck!
Jane Benson
We hope you pass your goal. Good Luck.
Rich Levitas
Good Luck Steve
Maria Scott
Maria Scott
Maria Scott
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Howard Fine
Howard Fine
Howard Fine
Howard Fine
Daniel Baker
Lisa Hill
Susan King
Michael Green
Robert Anderson
Linda Taylor
John Smith
Mary Jones
James Smith
Steve Burg
Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Jane Doe

Farley Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Bob Marks

Josie Levitas

Jane & Jim Parker

Tom Billson

Shadow Levitas

Katie Shoop

Bob Adams

Ben Maiser

Sam Spector

Sam Apple

Dan Smart

Joyce Levitas-Test

Joyce mail 1

Joyce Levitas

Joyce DonateCause

test test

Rich Levitas

Sam Stove

Red Rover

Penny Lopus

Craig Selman

David Black

Hannah Goldsmith

Paula Hill

Kate Spalling

Rose Roads

Cindi Roads

Bill Roads

West Roads

Susan Fox

Tom Fox

Rose Fox

Jack Blue

Susan Boxer

Greg Almond

Sally Baker

Craig Stein

Greg Stein

Randy Bell

Shadow Levitas

Maddie Levitas

Kate Black

John Doe

John Doe

Steve Famer

Deb Mars

Deb Mars

Tony Green

Richard Cluster

Jane Smith

Kate Billow

Rand Falls

Sandy Green

Kim Green

Tim Green

Candice Green

Greg Green

Todd Green

Felix Green

Yue Wexler

Quent Trent

Ken Levin

Tom West

Wanda First

Juan Horse

Pen Post

Beatrice Beamer

Beatrice Beamer

Maddie Dawn

Robert Car

Sanford Tens

Bob Zacks

Kate Simple

Kendra Childs

Jeff Gordon

Randi Baxter


Sam Peller

Kate Missith

Richard Levitas


William Feller

Carl Fido

Will Bentley

Billy Bard

Yoni Fox

Don Haster

Troy Good

Jon Western

Jane Allen

Dave Williams

Nicole Ortega

Jeff Rowe

Walter Hampton

Alicia Strickland


Bertha Higgins

Travis Walton

Grace Goodwin

Ruby Smith

Tracy Potter

Dawn Todd

Tiffany Curry

Florence Steele

Ben Levitas

Scott Santiago

Rosa Becker

Emily Dawson

Cidny Walsh

Betsy Fein

Glenn Ball


Carmen Barker

William Brooks

Phillip Keller

Tiffany Powers


Connie Page

Ruby Parks

Bonnie Bush

Anne Norris

Billy Holt

Jack Beck

Joyce Fine

Ruby Silva

Samuel Welch

Tammy Bay


Diane Austin

Albert Lane

Heather Ruiz

Maddy Green

Ben Levitas

Janet Snyder

Tali Djrebi

Orel Djerbi

Benjamin Lane

Alice Fox

Walter Hart

Arthur Black

Amy Shaw

Jeremy Sutton

Ashley Anderson

Jonathan Price

Joan Kelly

Gerald Allen

Rose Brooks

Patrick Perry

Berry Williams

Jane Benson

Rich Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Joyce Levitas

Jane Doe

Joyce Levitas

Tom Billson

Dan Smart

Joyce DonateCause

Paula Hill

Rose Roads

Cindi Roads

Susan Fox

Jack Blue

Greg Stein

Randy Bell

Kate Black

John Doe

Kate Billow

Tom West

Sam Peller

Richard Levitas

Don Haster

Scrolling List of Teams Scrolling List of Participants

Revenue for Musella Foundation MN and New Egypt:
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