Dear friends and family:
It is a new school year and this year I am participating with my entire school in a Jog-A-Thon. This is the 5th annual Jog-A-Thon and we are trying to raise $65,000 for our school to use for classroom programming and equipment, technology, assemblies and much more. All money raised will go directly to the school. Each student is challenged to raise money to support their individual and class goals.
We can win fun prizes for reaching our goals and the class with the most participation can even win a yoga class!
The Jog-A-Thon takes place on September 27, 2024 during the school day and all my classmates will participate. A DJ will spin tunes for 20 minutes while volunteers tally how many laps we can walk/jog/run during that time.
All donations are tax deductible since our PTA is a non-profit organization, so save your receipt! Donations of any amount are appreciated and can be made online at
To Donate: Find the (INSERT YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER) Team. Click on "Sponsor" under the team and then click "Sponsor my team". Include the STUDENT'S NAME in the PERSONAL MESSAGE (optional) box so they receive credit for the donation.
Thank you for supporting the Waynewood Owls!
{Child’s Name}