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Eden Marie Biele-James
Fundraising for: Eden's Spectacular Life Changing Birthday Give Away!!
It’s my birthday! On September 20th, I turned 40 years old. I know... you can’t believe it... you’re shocked. You thought I was only like, 33. Once you’ve lifted your jaw up off the ground, I have something to ask you. Will you help me make this the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER? Listen to that voice inside of you saying “YES - why, YES I can Eden”!! I am donating my birthday to charity this year - will you support me? 
Can you help me change the life of a sexually trafficked child? Can you help me rescue and rehabilitate a sexually trafficked child ($1700)? Can you help me get back to Central America this March ($1500) so I can wrap each one of those children in a beautiful embrace of love and remind them that people like you and I care about them, haven’t forgotten, and are fighting to end what happened to them and countless other young kids? 
It’s a tall order. Are you up to the challenge? All you have to do is walk over to your wallet, pull out your very favorite Visa, Mastercard, American Express or debit card and donate $40 to my 40th Birthday Campaign. If you were feeling generous you could always donate $400 and if times are tight, every single dollar helps- even four of them. 
I have been so blessed with an abundant life, filled with so many wonderful people, adventures and nice things. Thank you!! You are a very valued part of that. Help me fight the darkness this year with LOVE. Help me ensure that this year's birthday makes a huge difference in the lives of human trafficking victims. Pretty please?
In the time it took to read this, a young girl no older than 10, who is enslaved, being held against her will, scared and missing her family terribly, was just raped. We can put a stop to that together. All you have to do is click "sponsor" and know that to me, that’s the best birthday present in the entire galaxy. 
To learn more about Durga and the work we are doing, please visit our website!! www.durgatreeinternational.org 
Eden Marie 
PS- I am happy to report that the adorable little guy pictured with me, his equally adorable, resilient 14 year old mom/sister (both children were conceived through rape while the mother was enslaved) are all doing well in a rescue and rehabilitation shelter in Guatemala. That is the power of your donations! 
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Eden Marie Biele-James
$ .00   (min. $5)
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