About Mark
Mark Salkowski was a loving and dedicated father, husband, brother and friend. In April of 2015 Mark was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer. After months of fighting this deadly disease he passed away in December of 2015. Throughout his life Mark loved fitness and exercise. One of his favorite forms of exercise included running many 5K runs over the years. Join us on Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 9:00 at the Falling Branch Brewery in Street, MD to help us honor Mark and help in the fight against Glioblastoma. All proceeds from this event will be donated in Mark’s name to The Mussela Foundation for Brain Tumor Research & Information, Inc.
100% of registration fees and donations collected go to brain tumor research through the Musella Foundation! All expenses are paid for by our local and national sponsors!
The Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research and Information, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit public charity dedicated to speeding up the search for the cure of brain tumors and to help families deal with a brain tumor diagnosis. They create and distribute educational materials, provide help matching patients to clinical trials, give emotional and financial support to brain to brain tumor patients, awareness and advocacy for brain tumor issues and gives grants for brain tumor research. They maintain the "Clinical Trials and Noteworthy Treatments For Brain Tumors" website at http://www.virtualtrials.com, as well as the "Brain Tumor Copayment Assistance Program" website at http://www.braintumorcopays.org/, the "National Walk To End Brain Tumors" website at http://www.walktoendbraintumors.org/ (which this walk is a part of) and they are co-founders of the "Grey Ribbon Crusade" website, at http://www.greyribboncrusade.org/.
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