0% Raised of $15,000 Goal
Mark Salkowski Memorial
5K and 1K Fun Run
Join us on Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 9:00 at Falling Branch Brewery in Street, Maryland to help continue the fight against brain tumors by raising money for research that will lead to a cure. 100% of all registration fees and donations go toward brain tumor research!
100% of funds raised go to the Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research.
The Musella Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity whose mission is to find a cure for brain tumors and serves as a resource both for financial and emotional support for victims and their families by ways of:
  • Distributing educational materials
  • Helping patients find and participate in clinical trials
  • Providing grants for brain tumor research
  • Raising awareness and advocacy for brain tumor research and much more
You can learn more about the Musella Foundation on its official website.
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