
Ideas On How To Stay in Touch With Your Participants Between Fundraising Events

It’s beneficial to your fundraising efforts to keep connected with your participants after your event has ended. Communicating with your participants and sponsors periodically throughout the year helps with retaining them for participating in and sponsoring future events.
Where to start?  We suggest that you upload all participants' names and email addresses from each event into your organization’s CRM or whichever email platform your organization uses to send periodic e-updates or e-newsletters to supporters. It is also useful to encourage participants to friend your Facebook (or other social media) page to stay connected.
How often? Sending an e-update or e-newsletter every 3-4 months to highlight your organization’s success stories, upcoming activities, and events is beneficial, especially during quieter periods or big breaks between events.
Here are a few ideas of what to include in the email updates:
  • Write an article of how the money raised from a particular fundraising event helped further your organization’s mission or funded a specific cause.
  • Ask individual(s) that benefited from your organization’s services to write a personal story of how they benefited from your organization’s services.
  • Save the date reminders for future events.
  • Invitation for volunteers to help out with specific projects to see firsthand how they can help improve the lives of others.
At the bottom of each email, place a link for participants to follow to your social media pages (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to stay updated.

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