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 Personal Stories
 Read the stories from some of our coaches on how Playworks programming is making a difference in the lives of Houston Area students!
  Coach Fisher-
When I first started at Heflin Elementary majority of the students and teachers were excited to see what Playworks was about and how I was going to help make their job easier. Recess was a little hectic the first day because the students were new to the games and staying in the designated area but they did catch on rather quick. I told my teachers they are more than welcome to join in a game or they could monitor an area. After only a few days I received an email from one of the 3rd grade teachers stating that she was very happy I was at the school and what Playworks had done for the students. She told me that in the beginning when the program was first mentioned she was hesitant about it because the students were so use to going and playing on the play structure and running freely. She stated that she and the students loved the variety of games they get to choose from as well as the way I connected with the students and handled behavior issues. Playworks has been effective in my school since the first week of programming and still today it is helping students with conflict resolution, developmental skills and just simply working together. I know my school is thankful they have the program as well as I am because I’m able to help impact student’s life through the power of play.
  Coach Jeffrey-
This fall, one of my fourth graders handed me a letter after the Junior Coach Leadership Program. In it, she told me how rough the last few months after been for her. Not only had her family been robbed, but a cousin with whom she was close died in an accident. She then said how happy she was to be a junior coach because it gave her something good to look forward to, something to make her happy again after being so sad.
I had no idea about any of this before she told me, so that wasn't the reason I selected her. But it's a great example of how Playworks coaches are able to affect kids in ways we don't always see.
 ~We believe in the power of play to bring out the best in EVERY kid!
Wizathon - Developed by PBCS Technology