What is Peer to Peer (P2P) Fundraising?
Peer to Peer Fundraising (P2P) is the process of fundraising using social networks to solicit contributions from many clusters of connected people to raise money for a cause. Traditionally, fundraising has involved face to face solicitations by a paid professional or volunteer for the organization trying to raise funds. Today, P2P fundraising, also known as social fundraising, has taken a new direction by utilizing an array of online tools, readily available, to expand the reach of non-profits in multiple paths simultaneously. Social networking takes fundraising solicitation off of one individual and puts it into the hands of the non-profit's community and supporters. The process of soliciting donations, with online social fundraising tools, enables a non-profit to leverage their entire community of members and volunteers to publicize a campaign or event, and solicit donations from their friends, family and colleagues.
The Benefits of P2P Fundraising
Because each participant is a fundraiser for your cause, P2P fundraising provides the means for broader and deeper reach to potential donors and an increase in relationship building. In addition, with the right software platform, P2P fundraising facilitates the following:
- Increase monies raised
- Rapid promotion of campaign(s) and/or event(s).
- Quick adjustments to campaigns for unparalleled flexibility.
- Efficient collection of donor data for management and status reporting.
- Convenient platform for a donor to make a donation online at any time.