Terms and Conditions

PBCS Technology (referred to as “PBCS”) is the creator, developer and sole owner of Wizathon.com, an online event registration and peer to peer social fundraising platform for nonprofit organizations. The following terms of service apply to the www.wizathon.com website and any event website built for a customer organization where the customers’ event website resides on the Wizathon platform (collectively referred to as “Wizathon”). Any party that accesses, uses, or registers on Wizathon (referred to throughout in the second person " you," "your,", “customer” etc.) agrees to be contractually bound by these Terms of Service (the "Terms").
Your use of Wizathon, or any of the services or features accessible therein, constitutes your acceptance of the Terms. If you do not wish to use Wizathon in accordance with the Terms, then you should immediately discontinue using Wizathon.  If you do not agree or understand the terms of service stated here, please do not use the Wizathon service or any of its features.  
Wizathon is a SaaS (Software as a Service) event platform and service that enables nonprofit organizations to create, promote and administer an online social fundraising event with fully integrated peer to peer (P2P) fundraising and financial administration tools.
Wizathon can be used for running, biking, walking and swimming events. It can be used for virtual events such as food drives and building fundraising campaigns.
Wizathon provides web facilitated social fundraising tools that enable enthusiastic and passionate participants to promote a cause and fundraise to their network of friends and family.
The website allows participants to register, individually or as a team, create personal profile pages, use P2P fundraising tools to aid in fundraising, and monitor progress. Sponsors are able to sponsor an individual participant, team or make a donation to the event. Administrators are able to manage website content, customize website parameters, and manage financial aspects of the event.
PBCS provides all services related to setting up an online P2P fundraising event website. 
PBCS owns all Wizathon technology and you are granted a limited license to access and make personal use of the Wizathon platform.  This service, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose other than fundraising for a nonprofit cause. Use of the service that constitutes abuse shall be determined by PBCS, in its sole discretion. PBCS reserves the right to terminate your account if PBCS determines you have not complied with the terms of service.
Agreement Terms
The Wizathon service shall commence as of the date that you sign up for Wizathon and are approved by PBCS.  You, the customer, may terminate this agreement by giving written notice via email that you no longer agree to the terms of the service and/or wish to discontinue the use of the Wizathon service.  
By accessing, using, or registering with Wizathon, it is with the understanding that you have the authority for your nonprofit organization to enter into this agreement.
PBCS, in its sole discretion, may immediately terminate the use of the service for any customer without any prior written notice in the event of any breach of the terms of service or any other reason. PBCS can also terminate your account upon receiving reliable information involving your violation of any law, and will cooperate with law enforcement agencies on such matters.  
We reserve the right, at any time and from time to time, to temporarily or permanently modify or discontinue the service, including, but not limited to the time the service is available.  You agree that PBCS shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any termination of your access to the service, modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service, in whole or in part.
We reserve the right to discontinue (a) Wizathon, in whole or in part, (b) any features or services provided by or through the Wizathon, or (c) your Wizathon account, for any or no reason, without notice to you.
Outside of breach of this contract, Wizathon will provide access to your client data for at least 90 days after your event has taken place. If your account is reset and used within 12 months of your event, at least 3 years of previous year's client data will be made available.
We make no warranties concerning continuity of service, the security of the Website, or that the Website will be error free. We offer the Website and the features and services contained therein "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS.”
Technical Support
PBCS will provide unlimited technical support via phone and email for customer questions from 7am to 5pm (EST) Sunday through Thursday.
Credit Card Processing
Wizathon’s standard credit card processor is Stripe. Stripe accounts are setup by the customer via the Stripe website. Customers are responsible for creating their Stripe accounts, requesting non-profit pricing through Stripe, and setting up their accounts to withdraw money to their bank accounts through the Stripe platform. If you, the customer, wish to accept credit card payments with a gateway other than Stripe, you are responsible for setting up that payment gateway and a merchant account, with an approved Wizathon gateway provider (i.e. Authorize.net). The fees charged by the merchant provider and gateway company are separate from PBCS fees.  
Fees and Payment
Wizathon usage pricing varies depending on gateway provider used and is published on the Wizathon.com website on the “Pricing” page.
There is a non refundable setup fee of $250. PBCS Technology, the owner of the Wizathon fundraising platform, reserves the right to waive this fee.
Clients Accepting Checks from Sponsors
There are two (2) scenarios regarding accepting event and participant sponsor checks.
  1. An event sponsor or participant sponsor mails or gives their check to the organization without entering through Wizathon.  In this scenario, the organization enters the sponsorship details and check amount into Wizathon applying it to either a specific participant or to the event using an override code, supplied by PBCS, to indicate “paid”.  Since there is no credit card processing involved in the transaction, only the Wizathon fee applies. PBCS will charge the organization at the end of the month for all checks entered by override code using the organization’s credit card details on file. Failure to receive payment will result in the override code feature being revoked. For organizations who feel that they will receive more than $10,000 in event sponsorships, and want them entered into Wizathon and reflected on their fundraising thermometer, PBCS offers a cap, prepaid of $350 for use of the override code to enter sponsor checks using an override code.
  2. The organization allows team and participant sponsors to choose to pay by check. In this scenario, the sponsor enters their sponsorship details and amount and selects to pay by check. Once the check is received by the organization, they need only mark the sponsorship as paid. Since there is no credit card processing, only the Wizathon fee applies, charged at the end of the month using the organization’s credit card on file. Failure to receive payment will result in the “choose to pay by check” feature being revoked. These types of checks are not covered by the prepaid $350 plan described above as they are not processed by the organization using an override code.
Client Using Stripe
Clients that choose to accept credit cards using Stripe will have PBCS Technology fees automatically deducted at the time that any credit card payment is processed. No additional payment will be required.
Client Using A Credit Card Gateway Other than Stripe
Clients that choose to accept credit cards using a gateway other than Stripe must provide a valid credit card. Payment will automatically be charged at the end of each month. If charging the credit card is declined, you are responsible to provide PBCS Technology with a valid credit card within 5 days of the decline. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your account.
Privacy Policy
You accept our Privacy Policy, which you may view in full by clicking here.
You are solely responsible for any text, photographs or any other content transmitted, posted, or distributed by you, your participants and sponsors on the Wizathon platform.  By posting or sending content, you represent and warrant that you own all right, title and interest to such content.
You acknowledge and agree that PBCS reserves the right to evaluate the content on your organization’s event and fundraising website. PBCS may review, monitor, alter, and remove content that is offensive and not meeting the terms of service. 
You agree not to do the following on or through the Wizathon service:
Post, transmit, or otherwise make available, through or in connection with the service anything that is or may be:
  • unlawful, threatening, harassing, degrading, abusive, hateful or intimidating;
  • fraudulent;
  • a virus, worm, spyware, or other computer code, file, or program that is harmful or invasive or that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software or equipment;
  • an unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional email;
  • infringe any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;
  • create any liability for Wizathon or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services of our Internet Service, web hosting company or any other vendors or suppliers;
  • engage in any conduct which, in PBCS’s sole discretion, is considered inappropriate, unauthorized or objectionable;
  • engage in online gambling includes sweepstakes and raffles;
  • gain unauthorized access to the website, or any account, computer system, or network connected to this website or services, by any unauthorized or illegal means;
Any user who feels that posted content on an organization’s event website is objectionable should contact PBCS representatives to remove the objectionable content.  If PBCS determines that removal is necessary, PBCS will make every effort to remove the objectionable content within a reasonable time period.
PBCS reserves the right to refuse service or terminate service to any organization it deems as inciting or promoting hatred,  discrimination or incitement against any race, religion or gender.
In order to permit us to protect the quality of our service, you hereby consent to our employees and representatives being able to access your account and records for any reason, in our sole discretion.
By posting, uploading, or transmitting content or information to, or through, the Wizathon platform, you grant us a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, sub-licensable royalty-free license to copy, store, transmit, publish, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise use this content or information to operate the website as we reasonably see fit. You warrant that you have the authority to grant such license.
You agree not to (and not to encourage a third party to) disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover, copy, or transmit, any source code underlying the Wizathon platform, features, or services provided therein.
Vanity URLs
The Wizathon platform supports DNS domain redirects for vanity URLS and does not support DNS domain masking. Domain masking can cause functional problems as well as seem insecure for credit card processing. 
Disclaimers of Warranties
There are no warranties of any kind. PBCS makes no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free.   You will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from using this service.  PBCS shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages.   
As the provider of Wizathon, we reserve the right to discontinue Wizathon, in whole or in part, limit any features or services provided by or through the WIzathon  and/or limit your account access, for any or no reason, without notice to you.
You agree to assume all liability arising from misprinted event registration information, pricing and all mailings distributed via email.  PBCS bears no responsibility for mail being blocked by recipient mail servers.
You hereby release us, our successors and assigns, our affiliates, and each of the foregoing's respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability, costs, expenses, losses, damages, and claims, whether known or unknown, which may arise from you hosting, participating in, attending, or authorizing an event posted on Wizathon.
The aggregate liability, together with the liability of our officers, directors, employees and agents will not exceed the amount paid to PBCS from transaction fees from transactions made through Wizathon in the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the event of your claim(s).
Modifications to Terms of Service
PBCS reserves the right to amend the terms of service at its sole discretion and any modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting.  PBCS may notify you of such changes by sending an email to the email address provided.  PBCS encourages you to review these terms periodically for any updates or changes (noted by the date of last change). Any amended or modified terms will be effective upon posting. By continuing to use the service following such changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes. If you do not agree with the terms of service or any changes thereto, do not continue to use the Wizathon service.  In the event that one or more portions of these Terms shall, for any reason, be held to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect. If PBCS fails to enforce any parts of these Terms, it will not be considered a waiver.
These Terms make up the entire agreement between you and PBCS regarding Wizathon and supersede any prior agreements.
Wizathon may, at any time, assign its rights or delegate its obligations hereunder without notice to you in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.
You understand that you are responsible to set the tax language in any receipt you send to individuals donating through the website. PBCS makes no representations about the nature of any transaction made through Wizathon.


Wizathon was developed by PBCS Technology

8 Portage Court
Ocean Pines, Maryland 21811

Phone: 443-992-4120
Fax: 443-264-0207

email: support at wizathon.com


Powered by PBCS Technology * © 2014-21 PBCS Technology. All Rights Reserved

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