
Feature Update 14.6

Peer-to-Peer Campaigns
Associate Goals with Ticket Types

You now have the ability to associate specific participant goal levels with ticket types. This is useful when one of your ticket types requires the participant to reach a certain goal, but other ticket types do not. If you want to associate goals with specific tickets, edit each goal and choose the ticket types to display the goal for. If you want all goals for all ticket types, you do not need to do anything.
Specify Any Amount of a Ticket Price to Go Towards the Participant’s Goal
In the past, you had the option to apply all or none of the ticket price toward a participant’s goal when registration took place. Now, per ticket, you will be able to specify exactly how much of the ticket price should be applied towards the participant’s goal. This is helpful when you offer a VIP ticket that includes a set donation amount as part of the ticket price.
If your system was set to apply ticket prices towards goals in the past, each ticket has been updated to apply the full amount. If your system was not set this way, each ticket is set to apply $0.00.
To update the amount of the ticket price to apply towards the participant goal, edit the ticket type. Please note that once a ticket has been used in a registration, this amount can not be edited by you, the client. If you need this amount changed for a ticket type after registration has begun, please contact us at

A Common Registration Issue
We have found that many clients are asked the same question over and over by participants who wish to participate for a second year in an event. Even though the system explicitly explains that participants must register for each year’s event separately, many do not read the instructions and attempt to log into their fundraising center without registering.
In order to lighten your load of responding to inquiries of “why can’t I log into my page”, when someone tries to log in and hasn’t registered this year BUT did register with those log in credentials last year, we now display a message explaining that they must register again this year and provide instructions on how to do so using their log in credentials from the previous year.

Matching Campaigns
New Analysis Reports

On the dashboard, we have added stats for the number of sponsors for your campaign as well as a breakdown of how much sponsors gave by category.
Off of the dashboard, and under the Reports tab, is access to the new hourly stats report. Choose your date and hour range to see how many people and what percentage of people donated on an hour by hour basis. Identify your high peak donation times.
Other Added Functionality
  • When team captains send emails to team members, past or present, the email now includes the team page URL for them to easily access.
  • Videos on Participant/Team pages are now mobile responsive AND we now support Vimeo videos. To place your Youtube or Vimeo video on participant and teams pages, go to Setup/Tools -> Participant/Team Page Customizations.
  • All of the registration form setup options were consolidated onto one screen – goals, tickets, survey questions and discounts – under Setup/Tools->Registration Form Setup - Participant & Volunteer Tickets, Questions, Discounts, Goals
  • During the registration process, when adding a participant, it was possible to double click the “add participant” button which would add the participant twice. This was corrected.

Wizathon was developed by PBCS Technology

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Ocean Pines, Maryland 21811

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